Call Reliance Plumbing Sewer & Drainage, Inc.

Reliance Plumbing Sewer & Drainage, Inc.

Northbrook, IL
Financing Available
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Company Overview

There is a person that is affiliated with Reliance Plumbing who is quite knowledgeable in the subject matter of Hot Water Distribution and long term life expectancy of the equipment. He actually holds several Industry Wide Used United States Patents. If you are one to want short simplistic answers, and sometimes in the moment "shaky information" talk to someone else. at Reliance or elsewhere. The installers do review the jobs with this individual or Mr. President Ortega, the Plumbing Company Owner. The technicians that visit with you are gaining quite an education here, they are factual and helpful, not inventing facts or pushing you into the wrong direction. The changes taking place in the industry now make obsolete some things you have heard since a box store went heavy at advertising to push into a market but they did not inform people, so their ads became believed, and there are so many questions the buyers never asked or received true answers to weigh different actions.